Inspiring hope and action

Amplifying stories of regeneration that bring us together to reimagine the world we want live in.

More reach, more impact
We are building a platform that will help you expand your reach by promoting your content to targeted audiences and communities.
Our theory of change
In the face of interconnected crises of biodiversity loss, climate change, and growing social inequality, there is an urgent need for a change in narrative

Studies show that positive stories that showcase solutions will instil hope and action instead of pushing people into
eco-anxiety and despair.
Who is this for
The Source platform is committed to amplifying content that we deem as regenerative.

This can be regeneration of self, such as wellness and self development; regeneration of community, including social justice and indigenous wisdom; and regeneration of the natural world, from conservation to regenerative agriculture to the circular economy.
Are you developing innovative products or services that are focused on improving life on our planet and solving our systemic challenges?
Are you focused on uplifting individuals, supporting communities, or promoting environmental solutions?'
Solutions implementors
Does your business focus on implementing environmental, sustainable and regenerative solutions for other organisations?
Content creators
Are you creating content (written, audio or video) that seeks to highlight people and organisations who are solving our greatest challenges?
Partner with us
Let’s create a movement of people regenerating the earth.
As a content provider
You have a voice and an important message to share but need help getting your content out to enough people to really make a meaningful impact.
As a distributor
You already have a platform and an audience, and you want to bring positive stories to your community to inspire them to increase their impact.
As an investor
You believe in the Source mission and want to support this initiative with guidance and financial resources.
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